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speech delay and other speech concerns


​The foundation of all learning and speech pathways is integrated brain function, thanks to the brain being a multi-modular structure "bound" together functionally by synchronised timing of neural activity. 


The purpose of using Kinesiology (specifically focussed on brain integration) is to re-establish the synchronised timing of brain activity to bring function back "on-line" in areas where it may have become lost due to stress, or was never properly established in the first place. 

The loss of Brain Integration and thus function can  be situational , making it difficult and stressful for a child to speak in certain situations or circumstances ( eg selective mutism)  or or it may be in the case of a stutter or longer term speech delay where a child's speech areas are not functioning at optimal level. 

Using Kinesiology, it is possible to restore brain integration by re-synchronising neural flows related to speech. This is effective for children of all ages. 


Marble Surface
Bayside Kinesiology | Carey Brauer Kinesiologist


Say Hello or Give us a Call on 0419 999 344

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