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N.O.T. Neural Organisation Technique


Neural Organisation Technique (NOT) has been developed by Dr Carl Ferreri DC over the past 35 years. The technique is based on the principles of Applied Kinesiology, Cranial Technique, Sacro Occipital Technique, Sacro Cranial Technique, Chiropractic and Acupuncture, and from his observations of how the body's primal survival systems of feeding, fight / flight, reproduction, and the immune system are organised.


Dr Ferreri has discovered that when the neurology of these primal survival systems becomes disorganised, then this leads to problems in the body's structure and function. This can involve back pain, headaches, problems in walking or moving freely, digestive disorders, endocrine / hormonal imbalance, jaw misalignment, cranial problems, cardiac distress, learning difficulties, and can be shown as contributing to the broad spectrum of health related problems of our human species.


Dr Ferreri's research has demonstrated that the body functions in systems to help us survive. He has developed specific protocols to create harmony and reprogram whole body organisation and function. These systems include the pelvic categories 1, 2 and 3; the neurological switching and gait systems; the cranial injury complex and neck righting reflex system; the limbic / immune system, temporo-mandibular joint for defence and digestion, scoliosis; endocrine and cardiac back; dyslexia and learning difficulties cranials; extremities; and emotional clearing.


Neural Organisation Technique, by using specific neural reflexes in sequence and with a systems approach, is a most profound system which can be used as a stand alone technology or with other kinesiology modalities for almost all client problems that may present in a clinical setting.

Bayside Kinesiology | Carey Brauer Kinesiologist
N.S.I. Neuro Spiritual Integration


The NSI system has evolved out of the energetic model of releasing or balancing the electrical over and under energy in relation to a specific imbalance or problem within the body's structure or function. It appears that the NSI system manifests changes from a more spiritual level of our consciousness and energetic structure to create healing on all other levels of our being.


NSI has also been influenced & informed by the body of knowledge that falls under the banner of Transpersonal Medicine. These fundamental emotional systems often have specific stressors or imbalances that can be released on an extremely deep & profound level using the NSI system.


The NSI system is also reflective of the journey of the individual and just like a river this journey sometimes meanders, runs into snags, turns into rapids and a raging torrent or stagnates in a backwater. And just like the Hero's Journey we as therapist can open up to client possibilities and potentials on their path and not only provide insight but also guide the individual to a fuller understanding of their true self to actualise this wonderful life and progress towards self-realisation.

Bayside Kinesiology | Carey Brauer Kinesiologist
LEAP Learning Enhancement Acupressure Program


Learning Enhancement Acupressure Program (LEAP) was developed by Dr Charles Krebs in 1990. The intricate mental processes that we experience every day require not only an access to specific brain functions, but also their integration and synchronization.  Whether having to do an academic task such as spelling, math, and reading or having to make an effective decision either in business or in your life, we need the different structures, pathways and functions of the brain not only to be accessible but also precisely timed and synchronized.


As a LEAP practitioner I use muscle biofeedback as a tool to identify the stress, or "block" in the particular brain nuclei and the specific areas that have blocked the integrated. The application of acupressure techniques and other energetic modalities result in clearing of the blockages, which resynchronises  brain function, leading to an integrated state and optimal mental performance.

Bayside Kinesiology | Carey Brauer Kinesiologist
Neuroenergetic Kinesiology


Neuroenergetic Kinesiology and NEPS (Neural Emotional Pathways) works with the interplay between emotions metaphysical elements (eg chakras and meridiens) and anatomy and physiology to bring about healing. Neuroenergetic Kinesiology teaches that every psychological imbalance has a corresponding physical imbalance. It does not matter if the psychological imbalance is a mild, temporary feeling or a full blown mental condition, there will be neurological imbalances that manifest in all parts of the body's anatomy and physiology. These methods have advanced clinical applications for kinesiology to work in the areas of memory, learning, behaviour and emotions that allow precise formatting for neural structure and function.

Bayside Kinesiology | Carey Brauer Kinesiologist
Applied Physiology


Applied Physiology (AP) was created and developed by Richard Utt. His combined expertise in electrical technology and computer science as well as his extensive studies in nutrition, anatomy, physiology, Chinese medicine and acupuncture produced a system that has a capacity to resolve a broad range of health and emotional issues. Applied Physiology is constructed on a foundational premise of Energy Kinesiology that considers stress stored in body’s physiological and energetic systems as the underlying cause of all illnesses. Thus, once the underlying stress is removed the body will progress towards its natural balanced healthy state.


By addressing the physical, emotional, biochemical and energetic structures that make up eachindividual, AP has the ability to efficiently tackle a broad range of health and wellness issues, from every day concerns to complete chronic health challenges. The AP practitioner identifies the stress patterns in the body through muscle monitoring and applies an appropriate correction technique to correct the imbalance. Correction techniques include acupressure, flower essences, chakra balancing and emotional stress diffusion.


Applied Physiology gave a solid foundation to other holistic systems most notably LEAP created by Dr Charles Krebs.

Bayside Kinesiology | Carey Brauer Kinesiologist
RMT/Reflex Integration Program


Primitive (infant) Reflexes are repetitive, automatic movements that are essential for development of head control, muscle tone, sensory integration and development. From very early on in utero, the primitive reflex movements literally help develop the brain. The movements lay down the patterns of neural networks and myelination of pathways that allow the connection of the various areas of the brain that are so important later on for learning, behaviour, communication, relationships and emotional well being.When the primitive reflexes remain active then many difficulties can emerge.

Incomplete integration of primitive reflexes may be a contributing cause of ADD/ ADHD, autism, learning challenges, developmental delay, sensory integration disorders, vision and hearing challenges, behaviour challenges, and extreme shyness, lack of confidence, addiction, inefficient, effortful striving, and constant feelings of overwhelm. Working with Rhythmic Movements help children and adults complete the primitive reflex patterns and transform the challenges into integration.

Integration of the primitive reflexes is important because:

  • They are the basic of our nervous system and our ability to move

  • They originate in the brain stem. This area of the brain is responsible for survival. If under stress we are still moving from here then we are not able to easily access our prefrontal cortex where we can process and analyse information. Instead we stay in survival and stress.

  • As we get older our unintegrated reflexes trigger the flight/flight response even when there is no ‘logical' reason for the stress. So stressed behaviour becomes are pattern of responding.

  • When our movements come from active primitive reflex movement patterns then there are challenges with coordination. This can lead to reading and writing difficulties; language and speech delays; disorganisation; fidgeting; concentration etc. Other challenges may be seen in poor bladder control; breathing difficulties; skin problems; and having a uncontrollable sweet tooth

  • Low muscle tone; muscle weakness; chronic body aches; poor endurance; and fatigue.


Using a combination of kinesiology techniques and modalities such as RMT (Rhythmic Movement Training), NOT (Neural Organisation Technique), NK (Neuroenergetic Kinesiology) and Applied Physiology, a primitive reflex program can be tailored the integration of primitive reflexes.


Bayside Kinesiology | Carey Brauer Kinesiologist
Marble Surface
Bayside Kinesiology | Carey Brauer Kinesiologist


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